今年真是收获好多佳剧英式传统犯罪/侦探故事如同阿婆小说的陈年悬案+心怀叵测的众人过着平凡生活的普通人侦探们凭着对正义的追求抽丝剥茧泰坦尼克2号非常感人大胆探讨了很多社会问题整个剧的气质就是平实质朴但绝对吸引人感觉本子很有味道迷上了墙头Nicola Walker和Sir Tom CourtenayTom把Eric演得太好了
I like you but I want to watch you die. Show your true face. What do you want me to do? Show your true face. Be spontaneous. The boy shouts as he exited the subway, the man and Juliette Binoche jolt on their seat with fear. Fear is maybe more ancient and true, than the masks we put on.